Can An Air Compressor Explode – Causes and Prevention

Air compressors are versatile machines that are used in many industries for various purposes such as powering pneumatic tools, inflating tires, and even powering refrigeration systems. They work by compressing air and storing it in a tank for later use. In this article, we will discuss what causes an air compressor explosion and how to protect yourself from it.

Air compressor explosion

An air compressor explosion is a catastrophic event that occurs when an air compressor malfunctions and the pressure inside the tank becomes too high. This can cause the tank to burst, releasing the compressed air and potentially causing serious injury to those nearby and damaging nearby property. The explosion can be caused by a variety of factors, including overloading the compressor, using the wrong type of oil, and improper maintenance.

Examples of air compressor explosions in the past

Here are a few examples of air compressor explosions that have occurred in the past

  • In 2013, an air compressor explosion at an auto repair shop in Ohio caused significant damage to the building and injured two employees.
  • In 2011, an air compressor exploded at a manufacturing plant in Texas, causing significant damage to the facility and injuring several workers.
  • In 2015, an air compressor exploded at a construction site in California, causing minor injuries to two workers and significant damage to the site.
  • In 2019, an air compressor exploded at a petrochemical plant in Louisiana, causing minor injuries to two workers and significant damage to the facility.

Causes of air compressor explosions

1: Overheating caused by excessive pressure and/or temperature

overheating caused by excessive pressure and/or temperature can indeed be a cause of air compressor explosions. When the pressure and temperature inside an air compressor become too high, it can cause the metal components of the compressor to expand and become damaged. Over time, this can weaken the tank, making it more prone to rupturing or exploding when exposed to further pressure.

2: Contamination of the compressor’s lubricant

Compressor lubricant contamination can be a serious issue for any business that uses air compressors. Contamination can occur from dust and dirt particles, oil-based lubricants, and water vapor. The contamination can cause damage to the compressor, reduce its performance, and even cause it to fail.

3: Damage to the motor or compressor body due to improper maintenance or wear

Improper maintenance and wear can cause damage to the compressor’s motor and body, which can in turn cause the compressor to malfunction and potentially explode. This is especially true for older models, which may not have the same safety features as newer models. It’s important to regularly inspect air compressors for signs of damage and wear and tear, and to replace any faulty or worn parts immediately.

4: Improperly adjusted safety relief valves

improperly adjusted safety relief valves can indeed be a cause of air compressor explosions. Safety relief valves are designed to release excess pressure in the event of an emergency, such as when the pressure inside the compressor tank becomes too high. If the safety relief valve is not adjusted properly, it may not open when it should, allowing pressure to build up inside the tank and potentially leading to an explosion.

5: Operating an air compressor at an incorrect speed or pressure setting

operating an air compressor at an incorrect speed or pressure setting can be a cause of air compressor explosions. Each air compressor is designed to operate within a specific range of speeds and pressures, and operating it outside of this range can put excessive stress on the equipment and increase the risk of failure. For example, if the pressure setting is too high, it can cause the compressor to work harder than it is designed to, leading to overheating, excessive wear and tear, and potentially a dangerous release of pressure.

6: Inadequate intake of air which can lead to overheating

inadequate intake of air can indeed lead to overheating and can be a cause of air compressor explosions. Air compressors work by compressing air and storing it in a tank. If the compressor does not receive enough air during the intake phase, it can cause the compressor to work harder than it is designed to, leading to overheating and excessive wear and tear on the equipment.

7: Clogging of the air filter or muffler

clogging of the air filter or muffler can indeed be a cause of air compressor explosions. The air filter and muffler are designed to clean and quiet the incoming air before it is compressed, but if they become clogged, they can restrict the flow of air into the compressor and increase the risk of overheating.

Preventing air compressor explosions

Here are some steps that can be taken to prevent air compressor explosions:

Follow manufacturer’s instructions

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use and maintenance of your air compressor. This will help ensure that the equipment is used and maintained properly, reducing the risk of an explosion.

Regular inspections and maintenance

Regularly inspect the air compressor for signs of wear or damage, and perform routine maintenance to keep it in good working condition. This will help prevent excessive wear and tear on the equipment, as well as minimize the risk of overheating and potential failure.

Proper operation

Workers should be trained to understand how to properly operate the air compressor, including how to adjust the speed and pressure settings. Additionally, workers should be trained to recognize the signs of excessive pressure and to respond quickly and appropriately in the event of an emergency.

Safety relief valves

Regularly inspect and maintain the safety relief valves, and adjust them according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Safety relief valves are designed to release excess pressure in the event of an emergency, and proper operation is crucial to prevent an explosion.

Air intake

Regularly inspect and clean the air filter and muffler, and ensure that the compressor is receiving adequate air flow during operation. If the air filter becomes clogged or damaged, it can restrict the flow of air into the compressor and increase the risk of overheating.


Store air compressors in a dry, well-ventilated area, and make sure they are properly secured to prevent damage or movement during transport. Additionally, keep the area around the air compressor clear of flammable materials.

Electrical safety

Make sure that electrical wiring and connections are in good condition, and follow all electrical safety guidelines, including the use of ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs).

Emergency procedures

Develop and practice emergency procedures in the event of an air compressor failure or explosion, including the proper response to a fire or release of hazardous materials.

These are just a few of the steps that can be taken to prevent air compressor explosions. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure the safety of yourself and others, and minimize the risk of damage to the equipment and surrounding area.


Can air compressors explode while in use?

Yes, air compressors can explode while in use if they are not operated correctly or if they are not maintained properly.

What are the signs that an air compressor is about to explode?

Some signs that an air compressor is about to explode include a sudden increase in pressure, a drop in pressure, and strange noises coming from the tank.

What should you do if you suspect that an air compressor is about to explode?

If you suspect that an air compressor is about to explode, you should immediately turn off the power to the compressor and evacuate the area. Contact an expert to inspect the compressor and assess the situation.

Are air compressor explosions common?

Air compressor explosions are not common, but they can occur if proper precautions are not taken. Regular maintenance, proper use and operating procedures, and the use of safety devices can greatly reduce the risk of an explosion.

How often should air compressors be inspected to prevent explosions?

It is recommended that air compressors be inspected annually or more frequently if they are used frequently or in high-stress conditions. Regular inspections can help identify potential problems early and prevent an explosion from occurring.

Final Words

Air compressor explosions can be devastating, but they can be prevented by taking the proper safety measures. Regular inspection and maintenance, proper use and operating procedures, and the use of safety devices can greatly reduce the risk of an air compressor explosion. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure the safety of yourself and others, and minimize the risk of damage to the equipment and surrounding area.

I am Jason Hanson and live in Georgia. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2010 and have more than 12 years of professional experience. I have developed a strong foundation in the field and a passion for sharing my knowledge with others. I use my website,, as a platform to share valuable information about hand tools, power tools, machinery, and DIY gadgets. I am committed to accuracy, relevance, and providing my audience with the information they need to succeed.

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