Why does My Air Compressor Keep Running – What You Can Do About It

You can easily solve many tasks with an air compressor. Some people are curious about why their air compressor keeps running – and what you can do about it. A compressor is a vital piece of equipment for many DIY projects, and it can be frustrating when it starts running inexplicably.

Why does My Air Compressor Keep Running

What causes air compressors to run continuously

There are many potential causes, but the most common ones are:

1) dirty air filters – if debris accumulates over time on the filter, it will restrict airflow and cause the compressor to run continuously;

2) defective air compressor – if the compressor is not functioning properly due to faulty components, it will continue to run.

3) troublesome hoses and fittings – if these materials are not tight or properly seated, they can leak and cause low air pressure.

4) damaged or failed internal parts – if a part of the compressor is damaged or fails, it will cause the machine to fail.

5) low air pressure – if there is not enough air flowing into or out of the machine, the compressor will work constantly to overcome this obstacle.

6) blockage in the system – if something has obstructed the flow of gas or air, such as debris in an intake vent or a build-up of oil on an exhaust valve.

7) poor installation – if the machine is not installed properly, it can result in problems such as low air pressure.

8) overuse – if you are using your compressor more than it was designed for, it may start to malfunction sooner rather than later.

9) poor maintenance – keeping your compressor clean and free from debris buildup will help keep it running smoothly.

10) mechanical issues – if there is a problem with one or more of the machine’s moving parts (such as bearings), this can lead to intermittent compression problems. Additionally, electrical issues can also cause an air compressor to run continuously.

11) inadequate ventilation -if there is not enough fresh air entering and leaving the compressor system, it can create an environment that’s hostile to machinery and cause compressor to operation consistent manner.

12) excessive oil or grease use -if these substances get into contact with compressor parts or circulatory systems in general, they may result in damage and decreased efficiency.

14 ) foreign objects in compressor system -if something enters the compressor system for man external source such as rain water or windblown dust particles ,it may affect the operation of the machine .

How Do I Fix an Air Compressor That Keeps Running

1. Check the pressure gauge to ensure that the compressor is receiving the correct amount of pressure

It is common for air compressors to keep running even when the pressure is correct. This can happen if the compressor is not receiving enough power. When this happens, the compressor will continue to run until it either runs out of gas or the pressure gets too high and it explodes. To avoid this, check the pressure gauge regularly to ensure that the compressor is receiving the correct amount of pressure.

2. Verify that the belt is in good condition and properly tensioned

If the compressor is running even when the belt is not moving, it may be that the belt is in bad condition or improperly tensioned. You can check the condition of the belt by gently pulling on it and see if it slips easily. If it does, the belt may be worn out and need to be replaced. If you notice any other problems with your compressor, such as strange noises or smoke coming from it, please take appropriate steps to investigate and resolve them.

3. Check for debris in the air compressor intake and filter system

There could be a number of reasons why your air compressor is running continuously. One possibility is that there may be debris in the air compressor intake or filter system blocking the flow of air. If this is the case, it may be necessary to take the machine into for service.

4. Clean any obstructions in the compressor discharge line

If your air compressor is running continuously, it may be due to one of two things: a blockage in the discharge line or a lack of lubrication. A discharged line can be cleaned using a plunger or by using a shop vacuum. If your air compressor doesn’t seem to be getting enough air, it may need more lubrication.

5. Problems With Your Pressure Relief Valve

A pressure relief valve is a safety device that shuts off the air supply to an air compressor when the pressure inside the compressor reaches a certain level. If the pressure relief valve fails, it can cause the compressor to run continuously, even if there is no work being done. There are several potential problems that can cause your pressure relief valve to fail:

-The valve may not be installed properly. Make sure it is seated firmly in its housing and free from debris or sharp edges.

-The seal between the valve and its housing may be faulty. Check for cracks or leaks around the seal area.

-The spring may not be strong enough to prevent the valve from closing under excessive pressure. Replace the spring if necessary.

6. A Faulty Tank Check Valve Tank Stem Leaks

A faulty tank check valve can cause the air compressor to keep running. This is because the tank cannot hold the pressure and the air compressor keeps pumping until the pressure in the system is relieved. A tank stem leaks can also cause this problem, as water can continually flow into and out of the air compressor, causing it to over-work. If you notice that your air compressor is constantly running, it might be time to have a technician check out your system for any issues.

7. Check for worn or broken components, including the motor, pulley, and belts

If you have an air compressor that keeps running even when the trigger is released, it’s likely that something is wrong with the components. First and foremost, it’s important to check for worn or broken components, including the motor, pulley, and belts. If everything seems to be in good condition, then it may be a problem with the trigger or pressure switch. If you can’t identify the issue, then it might be worth taking your compressor in for inspection by a technician.

8.  Replace any damaged parts as necessary

It may be difficult to determine the precise cause of an air compressor that keeps running, but a variety of factors could be at play. In most cases, however, one or more damaged parts need to be replaced in order for the compressor to resume functioning properly. This could include worn or damaged bearings, worn impellers, or even clogged filters. Depending on the extent of the damage, it may also be necessary to replace other components such as the motor or control system. If you’re having difficulty with your air compressor and suspect that there is something wrong with one or more of its parts, it’s important to get it checked out by a professional as soon as possible.

Here Are Some Tips on How To Keep Your Air Compressor Running Smoothly

1. Check the filters regularly – dirty filters can cause your compressor to overheat and fail.

2. Keep the machine clean – dusty areas and debris can build up in the compressor over time and cause trouble.

3. Avoid overload – if you’re using more pressure than the machine is designed for, it could eventually breakdown.

4. Maintain proper temperature – too much heat from the machine can also damage it over time.

5. Check the cord – if it’s frayed, taut, or showing signs of wear, replace it immediately.

6. Check the hoses – if they’re stiff or showing signs of wear, replace them as well.

7. Check the fuse – if the machine is not getting power, it may be due to a blown fuse.

8. Have the machine serviced regularly – this will ensure that any problems are identified and fixed before they cause major damage.


Air compressors are vital pieces of equipment for many DIY projects, and it is important to keep them running smoothly. When you are experiencing problems with your compressor, be sure to check the most common causes. With a little know-how, you should be able to fix your compressor quickly and without any hassle.

I am Jason Hanson and live in Georgia. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2010 and have more than 12 years of professional experience. I have developed a strong foundation in the field and a passion for sharing my knowledge with others. I use my website, ToolsText.com, as a platform to share valuable information about hand tools, power tools, machinery, and DIY gadgets. I am committed to accuracy, relevance, and providing my audience with the information they need to succeed.

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